Chipped & Broken Tooth Treatments in Brooklin

It happens. Teeth break and chip. Accidents, age and wear, and even from grinding at night can cause breaks. It's ok.

If you want to fix broken chipped teeth, we can help. Winchester Dental's cosmetic dental office in Brooklin offers family dentistry and fixes for broken teeth.

Book your appointment today!

We Fix Broken Teeth With Porcelain Inlays & Onlays

You've probably heard of dental crowns.

You've most likely heard of dental fillings, and likely have a few yourself.

But did you know there are other options to repair damaged teeth called inlays and onlays?

Porcelain inlays and onlays are used to restore weakened back molars or decayed teeth, teeth that have previously been repaired with fillings, or to add strength and structure to teeth suffering from heavy chewing loads.

Porcelain inlays and onlays are an attractive option where fillings won't do, because they require less preparation compared to dental crowns. They are highly effective at protecting teeth under the right circumstances- something you can discuss with us when you visit.

The really nice thing about porcelain inlays and onlays and the other modern dentistry options we offer is that we colour match to your teeth so you can smile confidently knowing that no one can see your dental work!

If you would like to learn more about porcelain inlays or onlays, schedule a consultation with Winchester Dental today. Our friendly team and extended hours welcome you!

We Fix Chipped Teeth With Porcelain Veneers

If you're looking for a quick way to give your smile a boost, Winchester Dental may have the answer for you: porcelain veneers.

Porcelain veneers are strong, thin, ceramic or plastic shells that are placed on your teeth's surface. They are used for a variety of cosmetic reasons, including filling in gaps between teeth, covering stained teeth and giving your teeth more uniformity.

To ensure your veneers are a perfect fit, we will make impressions of your teeth and send them to a lab to make your personalized veneers. The veneers are stain and damage resistant and matched to the shade of your natural teeth.

In addition to porcelain veneers, we offer a wide variety of treatments to improve the look of your smile.

To learn more contact our office today.

Ready to come in for a visit?

Drop us a line today. We can't wait to meet you!